
Title: Perfect Night
Type: Single
Year: 2019
No. Songs: 1
Perfect Night was Stevie's debut single. The song describes the night Stevie started dating his wife.
It was one of those beautiful nights,
The stars were out, and the moon was bright
And you, you were a sight
I took you to this little bar,
You ordered a glass of fine red wine,
And I, couldn’t believe my luck
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right
I took you home, later that night,
You said you had to go, but you had fun,
And I, I was so glad
I gave you a call early next day,
And we set up next date, strait away,
And you, you were mine
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right
Perfect night,
Perfect night,
Perfect night,
It was one of those beautiful nights,
The stars were out, and the moon was bright
And you, you were a sight
I gave you a call early next day,
And we set up next date, strait away,
And you, you were mine
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right
It was a perfect night,
And everything was right